Good Start but Not Enough...

On Saturday March 26, Corpus Christi held a Glass Recycling Event at the Walmart at Everhart and SPID. The event yeilded over 10 tons of glass to recycle. According to the local newsThe City of Corpus Christi discontinued glass recycling in 2005 because there was no market for it. Recently, the Corpus Christi Clean City Advisory Committee took a vote to organize a collection event. These events are to take place quarterly.

But was this event enough?

In my opinion, Texas needs to seriously consider and implement the Texas Bottle Bill. This bill would establish a refund/deposit program that would significantly reduce the amount of glass, plastic, and cans that are left on our beaches and in our water.
Imagine, with economic times as hard as they are, how clean our beaches, roadways, bays, and landscape would be if you were refunded 5 cents for every bottle...

Read about the Texas Bottle Bill HERE